The Japanese House: A Tradition for Contemporary Architecture
By Heinrich Engel

required reading5
This is the definitive text (in english) on the subject of simple single-residence Japanese construction into the early post WW2 era. Mr. Engels treats the subject with clarity and reverence. I have been reading books on this subject for years and have yet to find its equal.
This edition is a far cry from the much abridged paper bound edition first issued in the 1980's and is far more comprehensive. As costly as it is, like the chisel you buy that seems so expensive at the time, as the years go by the superior value of that better tool displays itself more clearly with every use. Buy this one. You won't regret it.
One flaw exists; all copies I have seen have cracked their binding somewhere between the 50th and 120th pages. Otherwise a perfect book for the carpenter, woodworker or architect.

already reviewed this FABULOUS book. We are lucky to have it.5
This is a truly beautiful book, and the architects in my office find it extremely useful.

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